The exciting continuation of two igirashian “exploration-focused action platformer(s).” Enemies are faced, bosses are defeated, and the non-existence of auto-saves teaches some harsh lessons. Check […]
Plays… Axiom Verge vs. Super Metroid: Episode 1
As soon as Mike heard about the game Axiom Verge he was excited to play. The comparisons to Super Metroid were enough to make him […]
Says… Taking a Magnetic Bat to a Digital Deere
The days of owning a physical object and being able to call it your own may be coming to an end. The issue of digital […]
The Decathlon 2015 – Game Selection
To all who read these words, greetings! It is getting to be that time of year again. A chance for those who have fought and […]
Says… Paradoxical Universe
Universes and paradoxes…this episode explores both! Articles read prior to this podcast were: “The Behavioral Sink” by Will Wiles found in the Cabinet magazine issue […]
Kurt and I played CounterSpy utilizing the PS4’s Share Play feature the other night. Now we haven’t covered much about this in the past, but […]
Table Top Game Day
So I kind of struggled with the title of this segment. Originally we were going with board game day but then I realized most of […]
Says… UE4 Tutorials 2-6
Well, when it rains it pours my old grand pappy would say…not really, but I like saying grand pappy. So we decided to continue on […]
It’s OBScene how easy it is!
I OBSolutely adore Open Broadcaster Software. I don’t mean to be OBStinate about it, but I encountered very few OBStacles while learning it and it […]
Nintendo Creators Program (Update)
So, we submitted a video to the Nintendo Creators Program and have waited for a response. The other night I received an email saying that […]